INTRODUCTION What is LogicSim? LogicSim is an application that simulates digital circuits. LogicSim has an easy-to-use graphical interface similar to standard drawing programs such as MacDraw™. Circuits are built up from standard components (gates, flip-flops, LEDs, switches, etc.) and can include more complicated modules created by compiling a previous circuit. LogicSim also has a "Signals window" providing an oscilloscope display of the signals at nodes in the circuit. LogicSim 2.8 is a discrete-time event-simulator which makes it more accurate than LogicSim 2.2 and most shareware simulators which use a fixed delay for all gates. LogicSim 2.8 runs on a Macintosh LC or better and requires System 7 or greater (with System 7 you must have the Macintosh Drag-and-Drop extension installed, this extension is now distributed with LogicSim). LogicSim is Freeware (or rather PostcardWare)! However, I had to develop LogicSim on a Macintosh LC, so if you are using it on a Quadra or a PowerPC, I think it would be a nice gesture if you were to send me some $ for my work, so that I can buy a faster computer too! This document was compiled by Charles Williams from a mixture of experiments on pre-release versions of LogicSim and notes supplied by Arnaud Masson. It may not therefore be an entirely accurate description of the distributed version. If you have any corrections or suggestions that will improve the documentation please send them to . Contacting the Author If you like this software please send a postcard to: Arnaud Masson, 22 route d'Epinal, 88600 Grandvillers, FRANCE. Bug reports and suggestions to: for the time being. Related WWW sites LogicSim home page: Charles Williams: ClarisDraw symbols for electronic components: